The Guild code list

L.S. Lowry

R.B.A., R.A.

"Numbering" of Guild Limited Editions 1973-2003
The electric machine which was used to stamp Guild approved Limited Editions had three wheels;
on each of which were ten letters: "A" "B" "C" "D" "E"" "F" "H" "J" "K" "L"
(No 'G' in order to avoid confusion with C and no 'I' to avoid confusion with 'J').
Below is the translation of the coding system into numerical equivalents:

AAA-001 ACA-021 AEA-041 AHA-061

AAB-002 ACB-022 AEB-042 AHB-062

AAC-003 ACC-023 AEG-043 AHC-063

AAD-004 ACD-024 AED-044 AHD-064

AAE-005 ACE-025 AEE-045 AHE-065

AAF-006 AGF-026 AEF-046 AHF-066

AAH-007 ACH-027 AEH-047 AHH-067

AAJ-008 ACJ-028 AEJ-048 AHJ-068

AAK-009 ACK-029 AEK-049 AHK-069

AAL-010 ACE-030 AEL-050 AHL-070

ABA-011 ADA-031 AFA-051 AJA-071

ABB-012 ADB-032 AFB-052 AJB-072

ABG-013 ADC-033 AFC-053 AJC-073

ABD-014 ADD-034 AFD-054 AJD-074

ABE-015 ADE-035 AFE-055 AJE-075

ABF-016 ADF-036 AFF-056 AJF-076

ABH-017 ADH-037 AFH-057 AJH-077

ABJ-018 ADJ-038 AFJ-058 AJJ-078

ABK-019 ADK-039 AFK-059 AJK-079

ABL-020 ADL-040 AFL-060 AJL-080

AKA-081 BCA-121

AKB-082 BCB-122

AKC-083 BCC-123

AKD-084 BCD-124

AKE-085 BCE-125

AKF-086 BCF-126

AKH-087 BCH-127

AKJ-088 BCJ-128

AKK-089 BCK-129

AKL-090 BCL-130

ALA-091 BDA-131

ALB-092 BDB-132

ALC-093 BDC-133

ALD-094 BDD-134

ALE-095 BDE-135

ALF-096 BDF-136

ALH-097 BDH-137

ALJ-098 BDJ-138

ALK-099 BDK-139

ALL-100 BDL-140

BAA-101 BEA-141

BAB-102 BEB-142

BAC-103 BEC-143

BAD-104 BED-144

BAE-105 BEE-145

BAF-106 BEF-146

BAH-107 BEH-147

BAJ-108 BEJ-148

BAK-109 BEK-149

BAL-110 BEL-150

BBA-111 BFA-151

BBB-112 BFB-152

BBC-113 BFC-153

BED-114 BFD-154

BBE-115 BFE-155

BBF-116 BFF-156

BBH-117 BFH-157

BBJ-118 BFJ-158

BBK-119 BFK-159

BBL-120 BFL-160

BHA-161 CAA-201

BHB-162 CAB-202

BHC-163 CAC-203

BHD-164 CAD-204

BHE-165 CAE-205

BHF-166 CAF-206

BHH-167 CAH-207

BHJ-168 CAJ-208

BHK-169 CAK-209

BHL-170 CAL-210

BJA-171 CBA-211

BJB-172 CBB-212

BJC-173 CBC-213

BJD-174 CBD-214

BJE-175 CBE-215

BJF-176 CBF-216

BJH-177 CBH-217

BJJ-178 CBJ-218

BJK-179 CBK-219

BJL-180 CBL-220

BKA-181 CCA-221

BKB-182 CCB-222

BKC-183 CCC-223

BKD-184 CCD-224

BKE-185 CCE-225

BKF-186 CCF-226

BKH-187 CCH-227

BKJ-188 CCJ-228

BKK-189 CCK-229

BKL-190 CCL-230

BLA-191 CDA-231

BLB-192 CDB-232

BLC-193 CDC-233

BLD-194 CDD-234

BLE-195 CDE-235

BLF-196 CDF-236

BLH-197 CDH-237

BLJ-198 CDJ-238

BLK-199 CDK-239

BLL-200 CDL-240

CEA-241 CKA-281

CEB-242 CKB-282

CEC-243 CKC-283

CED-244 CKD-284

GEE-245 CKE-285

CEF-246 CKF-286

CEH-247 CKH-287

GEJ-248 GKJ-288

CEK-249 CKK-289

GEL-250 CKL-290

GFA-251 CLA-291

CFB-252 CLB-292

CFG-253 CLC-293

CFD-254 CLD-294

CFE-255 CLE-295

CFF-256 CLF-296

CFH-257 CLH-297

CFJ-258 CLJ-298

CFK-259 CLK-299

CFL-260 CLL-300

CHA-261 DAA-301

CHB-262 DAB-302

CHC-263 DAC-303

CHD-264 DAD-304

CHE-265 DAE-305

CHF-266 DAF-306

CHH-267 DAH-307

CHJ-268 DAJ-308

CHK-269 DAK-309

CHL-270 DAL-310

CJA-271 DBA-311

CJB-272 DBB-312

CJC-273 DBC-313

CJD-274 DBD-314

CJE-275 DBE-315

CJF-276 DBF-316

CJH-277 DBH-317

CJJ-278 DBJ-318

CJK-279 DBK-319

CJL-280 DBL-320

DCA-321 DHA-361

DCB-322 DHB-362

DCC-323 DHC-363

DCD-324 DHD-364

DCE-325 DHE-365

DCF-326 DHF-366

DCH-327 DHH-367

DCJ-328 DHJ-368

DCK-329 DHK-369

DCL-330 DHL-370

DDA-331 DJA-371

DDB-332 DJB-372

DDC-333 DJC-373

DDD-334 DJD-374

DDE-335 DJE-375

DDF-336 DJF-376

DDK-337 DJH-377

DDJ-338 DJJ-378

DDK-339 DJK-379

DDL-340 DJL-380

DEA-341 DKA-381

DEB-342 DKB-382

DEC-343 DKC-383

DED-344 DKD-384

DEE-345 DKE-385

DBF-346 DKF-386

DEH-347 DKH-387

DEJ-348 DKJ-388

DEK-349 DKK-389

DEL-350 DKL-390

DFA-351 DLA-391

DFB-352 DLB-392

DFC-353 DLC-393

DFD-354 DLD-394

DFE-355 DLE-395

DFF-356 DLF-396

DFH-357 DLH-397

DFJ-358 DLJ-398

DFK-359 DLK-399

DFL-360 DLL-400

EAA-401 EEA-441

EAB-402 EEB-442

EAC-403 EEC-443

BAD-404 EED-444

EAE-405 EEE-445

EAF-406 EEF-446

EAH-407 EEH-447

EAJ-408 EEJ-448

EAK-409 EEK-449

EAL-410 EEL-450

EBA-411 EFA-451

EBB-412 EFB-452

EBC-413 EFC-453

EBB-414 EFD-454

EBE-415 EFE-455

EBF-416 EFF-456

EBH-417 EFH-457

EBJ-418 EFJ-458

EBK-419 EFK-459

EBL-420 EFL-460

ECA-421 EHA-461

ECB-422 EHB-462

ECC-423 EHC-463

ECD-424 EHD-464

ECE-425 EHE-465

ECF-426 EHF-466

ECH-427 EHH-467

ECJ-428 EHJ-468

ECK-429 EHK-469

ECL-430 EHL-470

EDA-431 EJA-471

EDB-432 EJB-472

EDC-433 EJC-473

EDD-434 EJD-474

EDE-435 EJE-475

EDF-436 EJF-476

EDH-437 EJH-477

EDJ-438 EJJ-478

EDK-439 EJK-479

EDL-440 EJL-480

EKA-481 FCA-521

EKB-482 FCB-522

EKC-483 FCC-523

EKD-484 FCD-524

EKE-485 FCE-525

EKF-486 FCF-526

EKH-487 FCH-527

EKJ-488 FCJ-528

EKK-489 FCK-529

EKL-490 FCL-530

ELA-491 FDA-531

ELB-492 FDB-532

ELC-493 FDC-533

ELD-494 FDD-534

ELE-495 FDE-535

ELF-496 FDF-536

ELH-497 FDH-537

ELJ-498 FDJ-538

ELK-499 FDK-539

ELL-500 FDL-540

FAA-501 FEA-541

FAB-502 FEB-542

FAC-503 FEC-543

FAD-504 FED-544

FAE-505 FEE-545

FAF-506 FEF-546

FAH-507 FEH-547

FAJ-508 FEJ-548

FAK-509 FEK-549

FAL-510 FEL-550

FBA-511 FFA-551

FBB-512 FFB-552

FBC-513 FFC-553

FED-514 FFD-554

FEE-515 FFE-555

FBF-516 FFF-556

FBH-517 FFH-557

FBJ-518 FFJ-558

FBK-519 FFK-559

FBL-520 FFL-560

FHA-561 HAA-601

FHB-562 HAB-602

FHC-563 HAG-603

FHD-564 HAD-604

FHE-565 HAE-605

FHF-566 HAF-606

FHH-567 HAH-607

FHJ-568 HAJ-608

FHK-569 HAK-609

FHL-570 HAL-610

FJA-571 HBA-611

FJB-572 HBB-612

FJC-573 HBC-613

FJD-574 HBD-614

FJE-575 HBE-615

FJF-576 HBF-616

FJH-577 HBH-617

FJJ-578 HBJ-618

FJK-579 HBK-619

FJL-580 HBL-620

FKA-581 HCA-621

FKB-582 HCB-622

FKC-583 HCC-623

FKD-584 HCD-624

FKE-585 HCE-625

FKF-586 HCF-626

FKH-587 HCH-627

FKJ-588 HCJ-628

FKK-589 HCK-629

FKL-590 HCL-630

FLA-591 HDA-631

FLB-592 HDB-632

FLC-593 HDC-633

FLD-594 HDD-634

FLE-595 HDE-635

FLF-596 HDF-636

FLH-597 HDH-637

FLJ-598 HDJ-638

FLK-599 HDK-639

FLL-600 HDL-640

HEA-641 HKA-681

HEB-642 HKB-682

HEC-643 HKC-683

HED-644 HKD-684

HEE-645 HKE-685

HEF-646 HKF-686

HEH-647 HKH-687

HEJ-648 HKJ-688

HEK-649 HKK-689

HEL-650 HKL-690

HFA-651 HLA-691

HFB-652 HLB-692

HFC-653 HLC-693

HFD-654 HLD-694

HFE-655 HLE-695

HFF-656 HLF-696

HFH-657 HLH-697

HFJ-658 HLJ-698

HFK-659 HLK-699

HFL-660 HLL-700

HHA-661 JAA-701

HHB-662 JAB-702

HHC-663 JAC-703

HHD-664 JAD-704

HHE-665 JAE-705

HHF-666 JAF-706

HHH-667 JAH-707

HHJ-668 JAJ-708

HHK-669 JAK-709

HHL-670 JAL-710

HJA-671 JBA-711

HJB-672 JBB-712

HJG-673 JBC-713

HJD-674 JBD-714

HJE-675 JBE-715

HJF-676 JBF-716

HJH-677 JBH-717

HJJ-678 JBJ-718

HJK-679 JBK-719

HJL-680 JBL-720

JCA-721 JHA-761

JCB-722 JHB-762

JCC-723 JHC-763

JCD-724 JHD-764

JCE-725 JHE-765

JCF-726 JHF-766

JCH-727 JHH-767

JCJ=728 JHJ=768

JCK-729 JHK-769

JCL-730 JHL-770

JDA-731 JJA-771

JDB-732 JJB-772

JDC-733 JJC-773

JDD-734 JJD-774

JDE-735 JJE-775

JDF-736 JJF-776

JDH-737 JJH-777

JDJ-738 JJ-778

JDK-739 JJK-779

JDL-740 JJL-780

JEA-741 JKA-781

JEB-742 JKB-782

JEC-743 JKC-783

JED-744 JKD-784

JEE-745 JKE-785

JEF-746 JKF-786

JEH-747 JKH-787

JEJ-748 JKJ-788

JEK-749 JKK-789

JEL-750 JKL-790

JFA-751 JLA-791

JFB-752 JLB-792

JFC-753 JLC-793

JFD-754 JLD-794

JFE-755 JLE-795

JFF-756 JLF-796

JFH-757 JLH-797

JFJ-758 JLJ-798

JFK-759 JLK-799

JFL-760 JLL-800



















































If you would like to visit the The studio in Nottinghamshire, (Saturdays and Sundays are fine too) Please call 01623 799 309
We have a collection of over 500 signed limited edition prints and original paintings for sale.
Russell Flint is regarded by many as one of the world's greatest watercolour artists, his abaility to create intricate surfaces and show the
textures of stone, wood and material is second to none.
Having the largest collection of his signed limited edition prints in the country, and a good selection of original paintings.
A viewing can also be arranged at your home.

Websites that you may wish to visit are, the work ofsee here.
His work is now highly collectible, and due to the few signed limited edition prints available,
they are proving to be an excellent financial investment.
The fine watercolours by Sir William Russell Flint need little introduction; the site shows a collection of hundreds
of signed limited edition prints and original paintings available to purchase
Russell Flint painted beautiful watercolour images throughout France, to an unsurpassed technical brilliance.
Several signed limited edition prints of paintings from Britanny, The Loire, Ardeche, and Provence are now available, and
We have for sale several original paintings from the south west France, near to the beautiful towns of Brantome and Perigueux and also Languedoc
His work has now become regarded as some of the finest watercolour paintings in the world.
Dordogne, in south west France was a particular favourite of Sir William. A detached cottage available to rent in this area can be viewed here
Complete with lake, pool, and 5 acres of grounds.